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Why Is My Persian Cat Vomiting? 8 Possible Reasons

Vomiting is a common issue among cats and can be caused by many things. If your Persian cat is vomiting, it’s important to figure out why to ensure they get the help they need. In this post, we’ll explore some of the most common causes of vomiting in cats so you can better understand what might be wrong with your Persian cat. We’ll also provide tips on how to help them feel better. So if your kitty has been feeling pukey lately, keep reading for information you need to know!

Why Is My Persian Cat Vomiting?

There are many potential causes of vomiting in cats, so it can be tricky to figure out why your Persian cat is doing it. Some common reasons include:


Ah yes, the infamous hairball that all cats are prone to. Hairballs happen when your cat grooms themselves and their tongue picks up loose hair.

This hair then gets swallowed and accumulates in their stomach. Over time, it forms a clump that can eventually get stuck and cause an obstruction. When this happens, your cat vomits to try and relieve the blockage.

If you think your cat’s vomiting is because of a hairball, you can help by brushing them regularly to reduce the amount of loose hair they ingest. There are also special hairball formulas of food and treats available that can help keep hairballs at bay.

The Best Anti-Hairball Cat Food Brands

Hairballs are a common issue for cats, but there are steps you can take to help reduce their occurrence. One of the best things you can do is feed your cat food that is specially formulated to help prevent hairballs.

There are several great brands that offer this type of food, so we’ve compiled a list of our favorites to help you choose the best one for your cat.

  1. Royal Canin Hairball Care Dry Cat Food
  2. Wellness CORE Natural Grain-Free Dry Cat Food
  3. Hill’s Science Diet Adult Hairball Control Dry Cat Food
  4. Blue Buffalo Healthy Living Natural Adult Dry Cat Food
  5. Purina ONE SmartBlend Natural Adult Dry Cat Food

Each of these brands offers high-quality food that can help reduce hairballs in cats. If your cat is prone to this problem, be sure to try one of these foods to help keep them healthy and comfortable.

Sinus Problems

Just like humans, cats can also suffer from sinus infections or allergies. This can lead to a runny nose and congestion, which can in turn cause your cat to vomit.

If you think your cat’s vomiting is due to a sinus issue, you should take them to the vet for an exam. They may prescribe medication to help clear up the infection or relieve the allergies.

Common Signs Of Sinus Problems

In addition to vomiting, you may also notice other signs that your cat is having sinus problems. These can include:

  • runny nose
  • sneezing
  • watery eyes
  • fever
  • lethargy

Eating Too Fast

Cats are known for gobbling their food down in record time! While this may not seem like a big deal, it can actually lead to vomiting.

When cats eat too fast, they can end up ingesting air along with their food. This air accumulates in their stomach and can put pressure on their digestive system, leading to vomiting.

To help your cat avoid this issue, invest in a slow feeder bowl. These bowls have special designs that make it harder for cats to eat too fast.

You can also try serving their food in smaller meals throughout the day instead of one large one.

Check out our guide if you’re interested in training your Persian cat.

Food Allergies

Just like humans, cats can also be allergic to certain foods. This is typically seen in cats that eat a lot of processed food or those that are fed a poor-quality diet.

Symptoms of a food allergy include vomiting, diarrhea, and itchiness.

What To Do If You Suspect Food Allergies In Your Cat

If you think your cat may have a food allergy, the first thing you should do is talk to your vet. They will be able to recommend the best course of action for your cat.

You may also want to consider switching to a hypoallergenic diet. There are several great brands that offer this type of food, so be sure to talk to your vet about the best option for your cat.

Motion Sickness

Just like humans, some cats get motion sickness when they travel.

If your Persian cat is vomiting during or after car rides, try keeping them calm and quiet during the drive. You can also try giving them anti-nausea medication before travel.

Infectious Diseases Such As Chronic Kidney Disease

If your Persian cat is vomiting along with other symptoms like fever, diarrhea, or appetite loss, them may have an infection.

Bacterial and viral infections are common in cats and can be serious if left untreated. If you think your cat may be sick, take them to the vet right away for diagnosis and treatment.

Chronic Kidney Disease is the persistent loss of Kidney function over time. It can cause your cat to feel lethargic, cause vomiting, stop keeping themselves, and even weight loss.

Eating Something They Shouldn’t – Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Cats are curious creatures and often put their mouths on things they shouldn’t. If your Persian cat has eaten something that doesn’t agree with them, it could come back up as vomit.

In order to avoid this, always put away food when you’re finished eating. That means all foods from the counter and the kitchen table.

Cats can get anywhere and everywhere in your kitchen so make sure to not leave things lying around.

Eating foods that they shouldn’t can lead to Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a disease caused by chronic irritation of the stomach and intestines. This can be down to your cat eating foods that it’s allergic to.

Some symptoms include vomiting and diarrhea.

However, the exact causes are not well known. If you notice your cat vomiting after eating any strange food, you should contact your vet.


Just like humans, cats can get stressed out which can lead to vomiting. If your cat is experiencing changes in their environment or routine they are not used to, this may be the cause of their vomiting.

Try to make their environment as calm as possible. You may also want to talk to your vet about anti-anxiety medication for cats.

Top Tips For Preventing Vomiting In Persians

There are a few things you can do to help prevent your Persian cat from vomiting. We spoke about them in the above points. However, here they are summarized for handiness.

  • Feed them a high-quality diet that is easy to digest.
  • Keep their environment calm and stress-free.
  • Brush them regularly to reduce the amount of loose hair they ingest.
  • Invest in a slow feeder bowl to help them eat more slowly and avoid gulping down air.
  • Take them to the vet for an exam if you think they may have a sinus infection or allergies.
  • If they are prone to motion sickness, try keeping them calm during car rides and give them anti-nausea medication before travel.


If your Persian cat is vomiting, it’s important to figure out the cause so you can treat it appropriately. It’s important to learn about our pets so we can take adequate care of them.

If the vomiting is severe or accompanied by other symptoms, take them to the vet right away. In most cases, though, it’s a simple issue that some simple at-home care will help your cat feel better in no time.