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Devon Rex Grooming Guide

Did you just buy a Devon Rex? If so, you know that they are one of the most unique breeds of cats in the world. These cute little aliens have short, curly hair that needs specific care to stay healthy and look great. Or maybe you don’t own a Devon Rex and you’re thinking of adding one to your family, either way, it’s important to learn how to care for them properly. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about taking care of one.

We’ll cover topics such as brushing, bathing, and nail trimming so that you can keep your kitty looking and feeling their best.

Devon Rex Grooming Guide – Top Tips

Brushing The Coat

Devon Rexes have very short, fine, and curly hair. Because of this, they don’t need to be brushed as often as long-haired cats.

We recommend brushing your cat at least once every few weeks. Because their hair is very short, it only requires low-maintenance brushing.

Make sure to use a fine cat brush and be gentle and take your time.

These cats have nearly sheep-like wool as fur so be kind with your strokes.

It’s always a good idea to have a closer look under the coat for any signs of infection.

Because these cats have naturally greasy fur, they can be more prone to developing yeast infections, so keep an eye out for anything that looks strange.

Additionally, because their hair is so short, some people say that Devon Rex cats don’t shed.

However, check out our article on Devon Rex cats and shedding where we put that myth to rest.


Devon Rexes are unique in that they do not require frequent baths. In fact, bathing them too often can actually strip the natural oils from their skin and cause irritation.

We recommend only giving your cat a bath every few months, or as needed. When you do bathe them, use a mild cat shampoo and avoid getting water in their ears.

Here are the steps you need to know when bathing a Devon Rex cat:

  1. Devon Rexes should be bathed every two to three months.
  2. Use a mild shampoo specifically designed for cats.
  3. Be sure to rinse the shampoo thoroughly from your cat’s fur.
  4. After bathing, use a blow dryer set on low to help your Devon Rex’s coat dry quickly (be sure not to hold the dryer too close to their skin).

Nail Trimming

Devon Rexes typically don’t need their nails trimmed as often as other cats since they tend to wear them down naturally from all the scratching.

However, it’s still a good idea to check their nails regularly and trim them as needed. This will help to prevent any uncomfortable ingrown nails.

Here are three steps to simplify the process:

  1. Start by trimming the very tip of your cat’s nail. Be careful not to cut too much off, as you don’t want to cut into the vein that runs through the nail.
  2. Cut off a small amount of the nail at a time, being careful not to go too deep.
  3. When you’ve trimmed most of the excess nails off, use a file to smooth out the sharp edges.
  4. Wait until your cat is in a deep sleep to avoid a struggle.

Ear Cleaning

According to Dr. Carol Margolis from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in Philadelphia, because of their unique ear structure and greasy hair follicles, Devon Rexes are prone to possible yeast infections.

It’s important to clean their ears regularly with a cotton ball soaked in warm water or an ear cleansing solution. This will help to remove any wax or debris that could lead to an infection.

You should check out our in-depth guide on how to clean a Devon Rex’s ears while you’re here.

Teeth Brushing

Just like humans, Devon Rexes need to have their teeth brushed regularly to prevent dental plaque and tartar buildup.

We recommend doing this at least once a week, using a soft-bristled toothbrush and cat toothpaste.

Here are some tips for brushing your cat’s teeth below:

  • It’s important to start slowly when brushing your cat’s teeth for the first time. Get them used to the sensation by letting them sniff and lick the toothbrush.
  • Next, open your cat’s mouth and gently brush their teeth in a circular motion. Be sure to avoid their gums as this can be painful.
  • Once you’ve brushed all of their teeth, give them a treat to reward them for being good!
  • If you’re not comfortable brushing your cat’s teeth, you can also give them dental treats or water additives that help to reduce plaque and tartar buildup, which can lead to gum disease.

Anal Gland Expression(Ask Your Vet)

All cats have anal glands that produce foul-smelling liquid. This liquid is used to mark their territory and is released whenever your cat defecates.

Devon Rexes are no exception and will need their anal glands expressed on a regular basis (every few weeks or so).

This process should be done by a professional groomer or veterinarian, as it can be difficult to do correctly at home.


Believe it or not, what your Devon Rex eats plays a big role in their overall health.

A healthy Devon Rex diet will help to keep their skin and fur healthy, while an unhealthy diet can lead to problems like dry skin, dandruff, and dull fur.

We recommend feeding your cat a high-quality, grain-free diet that is rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

Are Devon Rex High Maintenance?

While they do require some extra care, they are not high maintenance.

With a few minutes of brushing and bathing each week, you can keep your cat looking and feeling their best.

Do You Have To Bath Rex Cat Breed?

No, you don’t have to bathe Devon Rex, but it is important to do so on occasion. They have very unique and oily fur.

Bathing your cat too much could drain too much of the oil and cause damage to the fur.

How Often Should You Bathe Rex Cats

Devon Rex cats are known for their quirky personalities and love of attention, but did you know that they also have some special caring needs?

Because of their unique coat type, they don’t need to be bathed as often as other cat breeds.

Once every 2 to 3 months is more than enough.

They are known to be a bit snarky around water so prepared to dodge some sharp nails if need be!

Should You Brush Devon Rex?

The Devon Rex is a relative newcomer to the world of cats, having only been around since the 1960s.

Despite their relatively short history, they have quickly become popular pets thanks to their playful personalities and striking looks.

One question that potential Devon Rex owners often ask is whether or not they need to brush their new pet’s fur.

The answer to this question is a bit complicated, as it depends on several factors.

For example, if your cat spends a lot of time outdoors, then you may need to brush them more frequently in order to remove any dirt or debris that they may have picked up.

Similarly, if your cat has long hair, you’ll probably need to brush them more often than if they have short hair.

On the other hand, if your Devon Rex is an indoor cat who doesn’t spend a lot of time outside, and if they have short hair, then you may not need to brush them as often.

In fact, some cats only need to be brushed once or twice a week in order to keep their fur looking its best.

Ultimately, the best way to determine how often you should brush your Devon Rex is to talk to your veterinarian.

They can help you assess your individual cat’s needs and make recommendations accordingly.

Extra Devon Rex Cat Grooming Tips

Start Early

It is important to start grooming a cat when they are young because it will help them get used to it.

This means that they will not be as scared when you have to groom them later on.

Be Patient

When grooming a cat, it is important to be patient. This will help the cat feel calm and comfortable.

It can be a fun experience for both the cat and you.

As long as you take your time and have fun along the way.

Make A Routine

It is important to have a grooming routine for a cat because it helps to keep them healthy and looking their best.

Regular brushing and combing help to remove dead hair and dirt, and also stimulates the skin to produce natural oils that keep the coat healthy and looking shiny.

It also gives you a chance to check your cat over for any signs of illness or injury.

Final Words

Devon Rexes make great pets.

While they do have some special caring needs, they are not high maintenance.

With a few minutes of brushing and bathing each week, you can keep your Devon Rex looking and feeling fantastic!
