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Can Persian Cats Eat Lizards?

Do Persian cats like to eat lizards? Some people seem to think so, but is there any truth to this rumor? In this post, we’ll take a look at the evidence and find out once and for all whether or not Persians enjoy chowing down on lizard meat.

Can Persian Cats Eat Lizards?

Can Persian cats eat lizards? The answer to this question is both yes and no. They can eat lizards, but you need to be careful about the type of lizard they catch and munch on!

In general, it’s best to avoid allowing your cat any kind of reptile, since they can be dangerous for them.

Related content: What do Persian cats eat?

Why Could Eating A Lizard Be Bad For A Cat?

There are a few reasons why eating a lizard could be bad for your Persian cat.

First of all, lizards can carry diseases that can be harmful to cats. They can also have parasites that your cat could end up getting if they eat them.

Finally, some lizards (like certain types of geckos) can be poisonous if eaten. So it’s important to be careful about what kind of lizard you give your Persian cat, and make sure that it is safe for them to eat.

What Lizard Species Are Poisonous To Eat?

There are a few different species of lizards that are poisonous to cats. These include the Gila monster, the Mexican beaded lizard, and the Komodo dragon.

If you’re not sure whether or not the lizard you have is poisonous, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and not give it to your cat.

What Lizard Species Are Safe For Cats To Eat?

There are some lizard species that are safe for cats to eat. These include iguanas, geckos, anoles, and skinks.

However, these lizards can carry liver flukes which are parasites that can make your cat very sick.

If your cat eats a lizard, the first thing you should do is call your veterinarian.

They will be able to tell you whether or not your cat is in danger, and they will be able to help you treat your cat if they are sick.

What Are The Possible Symptoms If My Cat Eats A Lizard?

There are a few different symptoms that your cat may show if they have eaten a lizard.

These include vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s important to take your cat to the vet right away.

How Can I Prevent My Cat From Eating Lizards?

The best way to prevent your cat from eating lizards is to keep them away from your cat.

This means not leaving them where your cat can reach them, and not letting them outside where they could come into contact with one.

You should also make sure to get rid of any lizards that are in your house, so that your cat doesn’t have the opportunity to eat them.

Is It Ethical To Let Your Cat Eat Lizards?

Some people may feel that it is ethical to let their cat eat lizards, while others may not.

There is no right or wrong answer to this question, and it ultimately comes down to personal opinion.

If you do choose to let your cat eat lizards, it’s important to be careful about the type of lizard you give them, and to make sure that they are safe for your cat to eat.

Do Cats Eat Lizards In Florida?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on the cat.

Some cats in Florida may eat lizards, while others may not.

The most common small lizards in Florida are the reef gecko, Eastern fence lizard, Scrub lizard, Six lined racerunner, and the Green anole.

If you’re concerned about your cat eating any of these lizards, the best thing to do is to keep them away from your cat, and to make sure that they don’t have access to any lizards.

Can Cats Smell Lizards?

Cats have a very strong sense of smell, and they can definitely smell lizards.

However, whether or not they will be interested in eating them is another matter entirely.

Some cats may be attracted to the smell of lizards, while others may not.

The best way to determine if your cat is interested in eating lizards is to watch their behavior around them.

They are most likely attracted to them because they see them moving fast and a cat’s hunting instinct is to try to catch them.


In conclusion, Persian cats can eat lizards, but you need to be careful about the type of lizard that you give them.

In general, it’s best to avoid giving your cat any kind of reptile, since they can be dangerous for them. If you do choose to let your cat eat lizards, make sure that they are safe for your cat to eat.