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Can Persian Cats Eat Chicken? The Truth!

Are you a cat owner who likes to cook chicken for dinner? If so, you may be wondering if it’s safe to share your food with your Persian cat. In this blog post, we’ll answer that question and provide some tips on how to make sure your cat gets the nutrients she needs. Keep reading for more information!

Can Persian Cats Eat Chicken?

Persian Cats can eat chicken as long as it’s in moderation and is a part of a healthy balanced diet. Persian cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they require an exclusive protein-based diet. Cat food, wet and dry, is perfect for your Persian cat and is made specifically for their needs. Therefore, wet and dry food should make up most of their diet, with chicken being an occasional treat.

Nutritional Benefits Of Chicken For A Persian Cat

Chicken is a good source of protein for cats which helps them maintain a healthy weight, strong muscles, and a shiny coat.

Chicken also contains taurine, an amino acid that is essential for heart health and vision. In addition, chicken is a lean meat and is lower in fat than other types of meat, making it a good choice for cats who are overweight or have diabetes.

Below we have listed a breakdown of the main nutrients in chicken and the benefits to cats.

Protein – helps maintain a healthy weight, strong muscles, and a shiny coat.

Taurine – essential for heart health and vision.

Fat – lower in fat than other types of meat, making it a good choice for cats who are overweight or have diabetes.

Vitamins and minerals – help keep the immune system strong and support overall health.

Tips For Serving Chicken To A Persian Cat

If you’re going to feed your Persian cat chicken, it’s important to do so safely.

First, make sure the chicken is cooked thoroughly and cooled before giving it to your cat. Raw chicken can contain bacteria that can make your cat sick.

Second, cut the chicken into small pieces to prevent choking. Third, avoid giving your cat chicken with the skin or bones as these can cause gastrointestinal upset.

Lastly, remember not to give your cat only chicken. As mentioned already, cats need a variety of wet and dry cat food in their diet. So only give them chicken on occasion, once or twice a week.

Can A Persian Cat Eat Raw Chicken?

Although, it’s recommended to eat cooked chicken. Persian cats can eat raw chicken.

If you choose to feed your cat raw chicken, it’s important to get it from a reputable source to ensure it’s free from bacteria.

How To Prepare Raw Chicken For A Cat Step By Step

If you’ve decided to feed your cat raw chicken, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to prepare it:

  1. Start by rinsing the chicken under cold water.
  2. Cut the chicken into small pieces using a sharp knife or kitchen scissors.
  3. Place the chicken pieces into a bowl or container and store in the fridge until ready to use.
  4. When you’re ready to feed your cat, take the chicken out of the fridge and let it come to room temperature for about 30 minutes.
  5. Place the chicken onto a plate or in a bowl and offer it to your cat.
  6. If your cat doesn’t eat all the chicken, refrigerate it and offer it again within 24 hours.
  7. Some people don’t cut the chicken into pieces instead prefer to give their cats the full chicken breast. This is because they can rip the raw chicken apart as they would do after hunting prey in the wild. It’s also great for their teeth.

What Happens If A Persian Cat Eats Too Much Chicken?

If your Persian cat eats too much chicken, they may experience gastrointestinal upset such as vomiting or diarrhea. If this occurs, stop feeding them chicken and contact your veterinarian.

As long as chicken is fed in moderation and is part of a healthy diet, there’s no need to worry about giving your Persian cat this occasional treat!

Good Chicken Alternatives For A Persian Cat

If you’re looking for some good chicken alternatives for your Persian cat, consider other lean meats such as turkey, rabbit, or fish.

You could also give them some cooked egg or cottage cheese as a protein-rich treat.

When it comes to wet food, there are many brands that offer high-quality products specifically formulated for Persian cats.

For dry food, look for brands that use quality ingredients and have a high protein content.

As always, consult with your veterinarian before making any changes to your cat’s diet. They will be able to provide you with the best advice based on your cat’s individual needs.

Related Reading: Can Persians Eat Bread?

Can Persian Kittens Eat Chicken?

Yes, Persian kittens can eat chicken. In fact, chicken is a great source of protein for growing kittens.

However, keep in mind that kittens also need more wet food than dry food in their diet, so only offer them chicken on occasion as a treat.

Best Diet For A Persian Cat – Recommended Diet

The best diet for a Persian cat is one that includes a variety of wet and dry food.

Wet food should make up the majority of their diet as it’s more similar to what they would eat in the wild.

Dry food is a good option for when you’re away from home or if your cat prefers it.

When it comes to chicken, moderate amounts are fine as part of a healthy diet. Just be sure to cook it thoroughly and cut it into small pieces before serving.


We hope this blog post has been helpful in answering the question, Can Persian Cats Eat Chicken.

Remember, chicken can be a part of your cat’s diet, but it should only be given in moderation and as part of a balanced diet.

If you have any questions or concerns about your cat’s health, please speak to your veterinarian.