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Are British Shorthair Cats Cuddly? Affectionate Or Not?

Are British Shorthair cats cuddly? Well, that’s a question that has many answers. Some people say that British Shorthairs are the cuddliest animals they have ever met, while others say that these cats can be a bit prickly when they don’t want to be bothered. So, what’s the truth? Are British Shorthair cats affectionate or not?

Let’s face it if you’re someone planning on buying one. You’ve probably noticed the cost of a British Shorthair and discovered that they’re not cheap kitties.

So it’s best to know everything there is before making the purchase.

In this post, we will take a look at this beloved breed of cat and see what makes them so special and whether or not they are cuddlers!

Does A British Shorthair Like To Cuddle?

Many owners report that their British Shorthair doesn’t necessarily like to cuddle. At least not as much as other cats. However, they are a very loving and loyal breed that shows their affection in many other ways. Read on to find out more about the British Shorthair personality.

How Do British Shorthair Show Their Affection?

British Shorthairs are known for being very a very affectionate cat. They often show their appreciation with a range of cute behaviors.

Many British Shorthairs will also rub up against their people, knead their paws on them, or even give them a little love bite!

All of these behaviors are signs that your kitty is comfortable with you and enjoys your company.


One of the most common ways that British Shorthairs show their affection is by giving headbutts. This behavior is also known as “bunting.”

When a British Shorthair headbutts you, they are actually releasing a pheromone from glands on their head.

This pheromone is called Feline Facial Pheromone (FFP) and it helps to create a sense of calm and security in cats.

So, when your British Shorthair headbutts you, they are basically saying “I trust you and I feel safe with you.”

Slow Blinks

Another way that British Shorthairs show their affection is through slow blinks. When a cat slowly blinks at you, it is often referred to as a “cat kiss.”

This behavior is very similar to the way humans blink when they are feeling affectionate toward someone.

So, if your British Shorthair cat is slow blinking at you. It means that they feel comfortable and safe in your presence and they are showing you their love.


Purring is another sign of affection that British Shorthairs often use to express their love for their human companions.

When a cat purrs, they are actually releasing endorphins into their body which helps them to relax and feel happy.

Many people believe that cats purr because they are content and enjoy being petted or held.

So, if your British Shorthair is purring while you are petting them. It means that they are enjoying your affection and they appreciate your companionship.

Rubbing Against Your Legs

Have you ever noticed your British Shorthair rubbing against your legs? This is another way that these cats like to show their affection.

When a cat rubs against your legs, they are leaving their scent on you.

This is their way of marking you as their own and claiming you as a member of their family.

So, if your British Shorthair is constantly rubbing against your legs, it means that they see you as a part of their family and they adore your company.

Bringing You A Dead Animal

This may sound strange, but bringing you a dead animal is actually a sign of affection in British Shorthairs.

In the wild, cats often kill small animals and bring them back to their dens as a way of feeding their families.

While your British Shorthair may not be bringing you a dead animal as food for your family, they are still showing you their affection in this gesture.

By bringing you a dead animal, they are trying to show you that they see you as someone who they can trust and rely on.

So, while it may not be the most romantic gesture, if your British Shorthair brings you a dead animal, it means that they really care about you and think you are important!

Lying On Top Of You

Have you ever had your British Shorthair cat lie on top of you? This is another sign of affection that these cats often use to express their love for their human companions.

When cats lie on top of you, they are claiming you as their own and showing you that they feel comfortable and safe in your presence.

So, if your British Shorthair is constantly lying on top of you, it’s most certainly them being affectionate.

Are British Shorthairs Lap Cats?

British Shorthairs aren’t considered lap cats. Many owners report that British Shorthairs won’t lie on their lap but cuddles on the couch is a definite.

They love to show their affection for their human companions in many different ways, including all the ways we just mentioned.

So, if you have a British Shorthair, be prepared to have a lot of love and cat kisses in your future!

British Shorthair Personality: Are They Affectionate?

British Shorthairs are not aggressive by nature. However, they can become aggressive if they feel threatened or if they are not properly socialized.

It is important to make sure that your British Shorthair is properly socialized from a young age so that they learn how to interact with other animals and people in a healthy way.

If you have any concerns about your British Shorthair’s behavior, it is always best to consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist.

Is A British Shorthair Cat Hypoallergenic?

That’s a good question. The short answer is no!

However, if you want a more in-depth look into this question including some tips on how to live with a British Shorthair and have a cat allergy.

Check out our post below:


British Shorthairs are considered to be one of the most affectionate cats.

These cats often show their love for their human companions in many different ways, including rubbing against them, bringing them dead animals, and purring in their presence.

British Shorthairs also enjoy cuddles on the couch and lying near you to show their affection.

So, if you have a British Shorthair, be prepared for a lot of love and affection!