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When Do Kittens Calm Down?

As all cat owners know, kittens are a bundle of energy. They seem to be constantly on the move, running, climbing, and playing. It can be exhausting just watching them! So when do kittens calm down?

When Do Kittens Calm Down?

For most kittens, the period of hyperactivity begins to wind down around 6 months of age. By 12 months old, they should be pretty much settled into their adult personality.

Of course, there will still be moments of craziness (especially when they spot a bird or squirrel outside!) but overall they should be calmer and more relaxed than they were as kittens.

Life Stages

To understand the hyper behavior of a cat we must first look at the stages of a cat’s life. A cat goes through 6 stages or lifecycles.

  • Kitten
  • Junior
  • Prime
  • Mature
  • Senior
  • Geriatric

Now let’s discuss each of these stages in more detail.


The kitten stage lasts from birth to 6 months old. Kittens are born blind and deaf and must rely on their mother for survival.

As they grow, they begin to explore their surroundings and learn about the world around them. Kittens are also growing physically at this time and need a lot of exercise to help keep their muscles strong.

This is why kittens seem to be constantly on the move – they’re just trying to keep up with all the changes happening in their bodies!


The junior stage lasts from 6 to 12 months old. Juniors are still growing and learning, but they are starting to become more independent.

They will still want to play and explore, but they will also start spending more time sleeping and grooming themselves.

Juniors are also starting to develop their own personality at this time, so you may start to see some of their quirks and habits emerge.


The prime stage lasts from 12 to 36 months old. A cat in its prime is fully grown and at the peak of their physical condition.

They are also typically more relaxed and easy-going than they were as kittens or juniors.

A prime cat still enjoys playing, but they are more likely to do so in short bursts rather than in hours-long sessions.


The mature stage begins at 36 months old and lasts for the rest of a cat’s life. A mature cat is typically more sedate than a prime cat, but they can still be active and playful.

They may also start to experience some age-related changes, such as weight gain or joint pain.

However, these changes will vary from cat to cat and some may not experience any at all.


The senior stage begins at around 7 years old for most cats. Seniors are the most likely to suffer from age-related health problems, such as arthritis or diabetes.

They may also start to slow down physically and become less active than they were in their prime.

However, seniors can still enjoy a good quality of life with the right care from their owners.


The geriatric stage is the final stage of a cat’s life. It typically begins at around 10 years old, but some cats may reach it earlier if they have health problems.

A geriatric cat is more likely to suffer from chronic illness and may need help with basic activities such as eating and using the litter box.

They may also start to experience dementia or another cognitive decline. However, with the right care, geriatric cats can still enjoy their golden years.

As you can see, kittens go through a lot of changes in their first year of life. This is why it’s important to give them plenty of time and space to adjust to each new stage.

With patience and love, your kitten will eventually calm down and become the wonderful companion you always knew they would be.

How Can I Calm Down A Hyperkitten?

If your kitten is still in the throes of hyperactivity, there are a few things you can do to help calm them down:

  • Make sure they have plenty of toys to keep them occupied, such as catnip balls, scratching posts, and climbing trees.
  • Give them regular meals and snacks throughout the day to help regulate their energy levels.
  • Encourage them to sleep in a cozy bed or basket in a quiet room away from the hustle and bustle of the house.
  • Spend time playing with them each day – this will tire them out and help burn off some excess energy.

With a little patience and understanding, your hyperactive kitten will eventually grow into a relaxed and content adult cat. Enjoy the ride!

Best Ways To Play With A Kitten?

There are a few different ways you can play with your kitten to help them burn off some energy and have fun:

  1. Use interactive toys: Toys that require your kitten to think and work for a reward are great for keeping their minds active. Try using a toy such as a food puzzle or a ball that dispenses treats when played with.
  2. Play hide and seek: This is a great way to get your kitten moving and using their natural hunting instincts. Hide around the house and call out to them until they find you. They’ll love the challenge!
  3. Have a chase: Kittens love to run, so try playing a game of chase with them. Use a toy or piece of string to lead them around the house – they’ll love the game and you’ll get a workout too!
  4. Go for a walk: If your kitten is old enough, take them for a walk on a leash. They’ll love exploring the great outdoors and getting some fresh air. Just make sure to keep them safe by supervising them at all times.

With a little creativity, you can come up with all sorts of fun ways to play with your kitten.

Just remember to always supervise them carefully to prevent any accidents.

Playing With An Adult

Baby kitties are known for being full of energy and mischief, but at some point, they do calm down.

While every cat is different, most kitties start to mellow out after six months of age. Of course, that doesn’t mean they won’t still enjoy a good game of chase now and then!

If you have an adult cat that seems to be feeling a little left out as your kitten romps around the house, there are still plenty of ways you can play together.

One option is to get a toy on a string or wand – this way, you can keep your hands safely out of reach while your cat pounces and jumps.

You can also try playing with small balls or other lightweight toys that are easy for your cat to bat around.

Of course, the best way to play with your cat is simply to let them lead the way. Follow their cues and let them dictate how rough or gentle the play session should be.

If they start to get too rowdy, it’s always okay to take a break – after all, it’s important to make sure everyone stays safe and has fun!

Playing With A Senior

There’s no one answer to this question since every cat is different.

However, in general, an older cat tends to enjoy more mellow activities such as gentle petting and brushing, rather than high-energy play.

It’s important to let your senior cat set the pace and listen to their cues. If they seem tired or not interested in playing, it’s time to stop.

Here are a few ideas for ways to play with your senior cat:

  • Gently stroke their fur while they’re lying down. Many a cat loves having their head and face petted in this way.
  • Use a soft brush or comb to groom them – this can be very relaxing for some cats.
  • Try offering them a small toy to bat around or carry – again, make sure it’s not too big or heavy for them.
  • If your cat enjoys being held, try gently rocking them in your arms like a baby. This can be very calming.

Remember, the key is to let your cat set the pace and go at its own speed.

Don’t force them to do anything they’re not comfortable with – this will only stress them out.

If you’re not sure what they like, just take some time to observe their behavior and see what makes them happy.

How Can I Tell If A Cat Is Hyper Or Angry?

If your cat is acting out of character, it might be due to stress or anxiety. However, if they seem truly angry or hyper, there are a few things you can look for.

First, take a look at their body language. If they’re hissing, growling, or baring their teeth, this is a sign that they’re feeling aggressive.

You might also notice them stalking around the house or swatting at things – this is another sign that they’re on edge.

Another way to tell if your cat is angry or hyper is to listen to their vocalizations. A cat usually makes a ‘chirping’ sound when they’re happy, but if you hear them yowling or screeching, this is a sign that they’re feeling agitated.

If you’re unsure whether your cat is angry or just hyper, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and avoid them until they’ve calmed down.

If their behavior continues or gets worse, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist.

Do They Get Less Affectionate With Age?

No, A cat does not necessarily get less affectionate with age. While every cat is different, many a senior cat still enjoys cuddling, being petted, and spending time with their humans.

However, it’s important to remember that as a cat ages, it may become more prone to health issues such as arthritis and diabetes.

This can make them less able to run and play like they used to, so it’s important to adjust your expectations accordingly.

If your senior cat isn’t as interested in playing as they once were, that’s perfectly normal – just focus on quality time together instead.

Why Is My Kitten Hyper At Night?

There could be a few reasons why your kitty is hyper at night.

First, it’s important to rule out any medical causes. If your cat is suddenly acting hyper or energetic, it could be due to a thyroid condition or other health issue.

If you’re unsure, it’s always best to consult with your veterinarian.

Once you’ve ruled out any medical causes, it’s likely that your kitten is just experiencing a normal spike in energy levels.

Many kittens are more active at night since they’re naturally nocturnal creatures.

If this is the case, there are a few things you can do to help them burn off some energy and calm down for the night.

First, try playing with them for a few minutes before bedtime. This will help tire them out and make it more likely that they’ll sleep through the night.

You can also try providing them with some toys or puzzles to keep their minds occupied.

This can be especially helpful if they’re prone to nighttime restlessness.

Finally, make sure they have a comfortable place to sleep. A soft bed or blanket will help them feel safe and secure, which can encourage calmness.

Is Hyperactive Kitten Syndrome Real?

Hyperactive kitten syndrome is a real condition that can affect young cats. The symptoms include excessive energy, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness.

While there isn’t a cure for the condition, it’s important to provide affected kittens with plenty of mental and physical stimulation.

This will help them burn off excess energy and avoid destructive behaviors.

If you think your kitten might have hyperactive kitten syndrome, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian for a diagnosis.

Further reading of interest.

Is Hyperactivity A Problem?

While hyperactivity is often seen as a problem in cats, it’s important to remember that every cat is different. Some cats are naturally more active than others, and this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

However, if your cat is causing problems such as destroyed furniture or sleep deprivation, it might be time to seek help.

There are a few things you can do to help calm a hyper cat, including providing them with plenty of toys and playtime, establishing a routine, and avoiding punishment.


So there you have it, a few things to keep in mind when wondering will your kitten calm down.

It’s important to remember that every kitten is different and what works for one might not work for another.

If your kitten is still having trouble adjusting to his new home, don’t hesitate to ask your vet or an animal behavior specialist for help.