Is your Maine Coon diarrhea acting up? No need to worry! We have the rundown on everything Maine Coon and diarrhea.
Maine Coons are known to be strong and sturdy cats but even these gentle giants can’t escape nature’s forces. So like all cats, they get diarrhea from time to time.
In this article, we will discuss the causes of diarrhea, as well as some tips on how to treat it. So if your cat has been experiencing bouts of runny poop, read on!
Do Maine Coons Get Diarrhea?
Maine Coon Cats get diarrhea but they are not prone to diarrhea. This is a common question that people often ask, but there is no evidence to support the claim that Maine Coons are more likely to experience diarrhea than any other breed of cat. In fact, all cats can be susceptible to diarrhea if they consume foods that are not healthy for them or if they become infected with a virus or bacteria.
Why Do Maine Coons Get Diarrhea
Food Allergies
Food allergies can cause diarrhea in Maine Coon cats because the body reacts to certain proteins in the food by releasing histamines. These histamines can cause inflammation and irritation in the intestines, leading to symptoms such as diarrhea.
Additionally, if a cat is allergic to a certain type of protein, they may only experience gastrointestinal symptoms after eating that particular protein.
For example, a cat may be fine eating chicken but develop diarrhea after eating beef.
Maine Coons that are overfed are more likely to experience diarrhea because they tend to eat too much food at one time.
When a cat consumes more food than their body can digest, the excess food will pass through their digestive system very quickly and can cause diarrhea.
Additionally, if a cat is eating a diet that is high in carbohydrates and low in protein, they are more likely to experience diarrhea because carbohydrates are not as easily digested as protein.
Diarrhea in cats can be caused by toxins that damage the delicate lining of the intestine.
When the intestine is damaged, it can’t absorb water and electrolytes from digested food properly, which leads to diarrhea.
Additionally, toxins can cause inflammation in the intestines, which leads to further symptoms such as diarrhea.
An Unbalanced Diet
Another culprit for diarrhea in your Maine Coon is a diet that’s not balanced right.
It causes diarrhea in cats because it means that the cat is not getting all the nutrients they need to digest their food properly.
If a cat’s diet is lacking in certain nutrients, such as protein, fat, or water, their digestive system will become overwhelmed and will not be able to cope with the excess food.
This will lead to diarrhea as the undigested food will pass through the intestine very quickly.
Eating Too Quickly
When cats eat food too quickly, they may not chew it properly. This can cause some of the food to bypass the stomach and go directly into the intestines, where it will be digested very quickly.
Since the intestines have not had a chance to absorb any of the nutrients from the food, this can lead to diarrhea.
One of the most common causes of diarrhea in cats is an infection. Infections can be caused by a variety of different organisms, including viruses, bacteria, and parasites.
Infections can also be caused by exposure to toxins or foreign materials.
Other Underlying Conditions
Maine Coons are susceptible to several diseases including Hip Dysplasia, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, and Stomatitis.
If youre interested in knowing more about these health issues check out our article here.

Signs of Chronic Diarrhea in Maine Coons
Chronic diarrhea is a condition that affects cats of all ages and causes them to have frequent, watery stools.
It can be caused by a variety of factors, including dietary changes, parasites, bacteria, and viruses.
However, if it persists it’s usually a sign of something more serious. It’s best to take a trip to the vet in that case.
How To Treat Maine Coon Diarrhea
Now that you know the most common causes of diarrhea in Maine Coons. Its time to discuss the ways to treat and prevent it:
A Vet Can Help
If your cat has diarrhea that persists, it is important to take them to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Diarrhea can be a sign of a serious illness, and if left untreated, can be fatal.
Diet Is Key
There is limited scientific evidence to support the claim that a more balanced diet will help to prevent diarrhea in cats.
However, many veterinarians believe that a diet that is rich in fiber and includes probiotics may be beneficial for cats with chronic diarrhea.
Generally, not giving your cat too much of any food is always best.
Keep An Eye On Their Food
By making sure that your cat is eating a diet that is easy to digest, you can help to regulate their digestion and prevent episodes of diarrhea.
Also, keeping an eye on what your cat eats and watching for signs of allergic reactions can help narrow down any causes of diarrhea.
Plenty of Fiber
Adding fiber to your cat’s diet can be a good way to help regulate their digestion and prevent diarrhea from occurring.
There are a variety of high-quality fiber supplements available on the market, or you can talk to your veterinarian about formulating a custom diet for your cat.
However, be aware that different cats may respond to fiber in different ways. If you’re not sure it’s best to consult with your vet.
Slow Eating
It is believed that eating more slowly may help to prevent diarrhea in cats. This is because it gives their digestive system more time to break down food properly.
Try giving your Maine Coon cat smaller portions and wait until they’ve finished to give them more.
Staying Hydrated
Water can help with diarrhea in Maine Coon cats by rehydrating them and replacing the fluids they are losing. It’s important to make sure your cat has plenty of fresh water to drink, especially if they have diarrhea.
When Should Diarrhea Worry Me?
It’s well known that diarrhea is a cause for concern for most cat owners. But most of the time it’s not a major cause for concern.
It’s quite common in cats and is usually not a big deal. However, here are some signs that it may be getting serious!
A Day Or More Of Diarrhea
It’s usually not a good sign if your cat has diarrhea for multiple days. Diarrhea can be a sign of a serious illness, and if left untreated, can be fatal.
If your cat has diarrhea that persists for more than a day or two, take them to the veterinarian as soon as possible.
Cat owners often become worried when their cats vomit. Vomiting can be a sign of illness in cats, but it can also be caused by something as simple as a hairball.
If your cat vomits frequently or has other symptoms, such as diarrhea or lethargy, take him to the veterinarian for a check-up.
Lethargy & Slugishness
Lethargy is not always a sign of illness in cats. There are many reasons why cats may become lethargic, including age, diet, and environment.
However, if it’s not usual for your cat to behave lethargically and you noticed they’re more sluggish than usual then it may be a sign that your cat is ill.
Loss Of Weight
There are a number of health concerns that can cause weight loss in cats. Some of these health concerns include liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, and cancer.
If your cat has lost weight recently, it’s best to take a trip to the vet to get professional help.
Disinterest in Food
A loss of appetite can be indicative of various illnesses in cats. However, if your cat has lost its appetite for an extended period of time, it is important to visit a veterinarian to determine the root cause of the issue.
Now you have the lowdown on everything Maine Coon diarrhea. Generally, Maine Coon cats can suffer bouts of diarrhea from time to time.
Most of the time this is no cause for concern. However, if you notice your cat has runny poo more often than normal then it’s best to visit the vet to get them checked up.
It’s better safe than sorry when it comes to taking care of your pet. This will ensure the cat’s health and happiness and will end up saving you a lot of money in the long run.
Elliot is the owner and lead writer at Lais Lairs. He is the proud owner of a Maine Coon/Siberian Mix cat named Lai. His oldest cat lived to be 18 years old so he’s learned a thing or two about keeping pets. When he’s not writing you can find him playing video games or playing fetch with Lai.