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Do Cornish Rex Cats Shed?

Do you have a Cornish Rex Cat? If so, you may be wondering if they shed. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at how much Cornish Rex Cats shed and what you can do to help keep the shedding under control. We’ll also provide some tips on keeping your cat’s coat healthy and shiny. Thanks for reading!​

Do Cornish Rex Cats Shed?

Do Cornish Rex cats shed? The simple answer is yes, all cats shed. However, Cornish Rexes are considered low-shedding cats, which means they produce less hair than other breeds of cats. So if you’re considering a Cornish Rex as your next pet. You don’t have to worry too much about dealing with hairballs and excess fur around the house.

But that doesn’t mean you won’t see any shedding at all. Every cat will lose some hair, especially during the spring and fall when they’re shedding their winter coat or summer coat respectively. Just be prepared to do a little more vacuuming if you bring a Cornish Rex into your home!

Reasons A Cornish Rex Cat May Shed More

There are a few reasons why your Cornish Rex might shed more than normal. If your cat is sick or under stress, it may shed more hair than usual.

Also, if you don’t groom your cat regularly, their fur can become matted and tangled, which can lead to excess shedding.

And finally, if your Cornish Rex is an indoor cat, they may shed more than an outdoor cat because they’re not exposed to the elements, which can help keep their coat healthy.

Here is a range of other reasons why a Cornish Rex may shed more than usual.


If your cat has fleas or other parasites, they may scratch excessively, leading to hair loss. If you notice your Cornish Rex scratching more than usual, check them for fleas and other parasites and treat them accordingly.


Cats can be allergic to a variety of things, including pollen, dust, cleaning products, and even their food. If you think your Cornish Rex might be allergic to something, talk to your vet and try changing up their diet or environment to see if that helps.

Poor nutrition

If your Cornish Rex isn’t getting enough of the right nutrients, it can affect their coat. Make sure you’re feeding them a high-quality diet that’s appropriate for their age, weight, and activity level.

Underlying Health Condition

If your Cornish Rex is shedding more than usual, it could be a sign of an underlying health condition. If you’re concerned about your cat’s shedding, make an appointment with your vet to have them checked out.

Hormonal Imbalance

Finally, if your Cornish Rex is female and hasn’t been spayed, they may be shedding more due to a hormonal imbalance. If you think this might be the case, talk to your vet about getting your cat spayed.

How To Reduce Cornish Rex Cat Shedding

There are a few things you can do to help reduce the amount of shedding from your Cornish Rex. First, make sure you’re brushing them regularly – at least once or twice a week.

This will help remove any loose hair before it has a chance to fall out on its own and end up on your furniture or clothing.

You can also try using a de-shedding brush, which is specifically designed to help remove excess fur from cats.

Finally, give your cat regular baths – about once a month – to help keep their coat clean and healthy.

How To Groom A Cornish Rex Cat

When it comes to grooming, the best way to keep your Cornish Rex looking their best is to brush them regularly. As we mentioned above, you should brush them at least once or twice a week – more if they’re shedding excessively.

In addition to brushing, you should also give your cat regular baths – about once a month. This will help remove any dirt and debris from their fur and keep their coat healthy and shiny.

When you’re bathing your Cornish Rex, be sure to use a mild shampoo that’s specifically designed for cats. And after the bath, make sure you thoroughly rinse all of the shampoo out of their fur – otherwise, it could irritate their skin.

Caring For A Cornish Rex Cat’s Coat

The best way to care for a Cornish Rex cat’s coat is to brush it regularly and give them regular baths.

In addition to brushing and bathing, you should also make sure you’re feeding your Cornish Rex a high-quality diet that’s appropriate for their age, weight, and activity level.

And finally, if you think your Cornish Rex might be shedding more than usual due to a health condition, make an appointment with your vet.

How To Keep Your Home Clean From Cornish Rex Shedding

Even if you’re doing everything you can to reduce the amount of shedding from your Cornish Rex, there’s still going to be some hair around your home.

Use a Lint Roller

One of the easiest ways to remove cat hair from your furniture and clothing is to use a lint roller. Lint rollers are specifically designed to pick up pet hair, and they’re gentle enough to use on all types of fabrics.

Use A Vacuum Cleaner With A Pet Hair Attachment

Another great way to remove shedding hair from your home is to vacuum it up. If you have a vacuum cleaner with a pet hair attachment, that’s even better.

These attachments are specifically designed to pick up pet hair, and they can be a lifesaver when it comes to keeping your home clean and hair-free.

Use Furniture Covers

If you’re really worried about shedding hair getting on your furniture, you can always use furniture covers. These are great for protecting your furniture from pet hair, and they’re easy to remove and wash when they get dirty.

Are Cornish Rex Cats Hypoallergenic?

No, Cornish Rex cats are not hypoallergenic. While they do shed less than most other cat breeds, they’re not completely immune to shedding – nor are they immune to causing allergies in people who are allergic to cats.

If you’re allergic to cats but want to adopt a Cornish Rex, it’s important to spend some time around the breed before you commit to adoption. This will help you determine whether or not you’re actually allergic to them – and whether or not you can tolerate living with one.


If you’re thinking about adopting a Cornish Rex, be sure to spend some time around the breed first to see if you’re actually allergic to them. And if you are, make sure you’re taking steps to reduce the amount of shedding in your home (like using a lint roller or vacuum cleaner with a pet hair attachment).

Do you have any tips for reducing shedding in a Cornish Rex cat? Share them in the comments below!

Make sure to explore more of our cat guides while you’re here.