This post discusses the question are ragamuffins aggressive. We dive deep into why and how they may be aggressive and also provide ways to counteract their aggressive behavior.
Ragamuffins are not aggressive by nature. However, they may become aggressive if provoked. While Ragamuffins cats are known for their playful and tolerant nature, some factors may contribute to them being aggressive including underlying health issues, territorial dominance, and simply play fighting.
Are Ragamuffin Cats Aggressive?
A lot of people who look into buying a Ragamuffin cat think about whether or not it is aggressive.
That’s normal, especially if you’re adopting a cat into a family home with children.
But not to worry, Ragamuffins are known to be quite docile and relaxed cats.
So if you’re wondering if you can bring a Ragamuffin into a house with kids the answer is yes.
However, like everything in life, there are exceptions.
Some Ragamuffins can be aggressive in nature but this is most likely because of past experiences.
We’ll discuss more of the reasons below.
Types Of Ragamuffin Aggression
There are three types of aggression in a cat: offensive, defensive, and predatory.
Offensive aggression is characterized by attacking another animal or person without provocation.
Defensive aggression is exhibited when a cat feels threatened and uses physical means to protect itself.
Predatory aggression is used to hunt or kill prey.
The most common types of aggression that your Ragamuffin cat may exhibit are:
- Scratching
- Hissing
- Biting
- Growling
Causes Of Ragamuffin Aggression
Cats can get aggressive for a variety of reasons. Some are territorial, some have been hurt and they want to protect themselves and make sure they don’t get hurt again (their fear turns into aggression), some cats try to establish dominance over their human or animal companions.
Also, many kittens and young adult cats seem to exhibit playful aggression when playing with their human companion.
A cat might jump on their owner’s body in order to swipe at the neck area with claws extended, this is play-aggression intended more to have fun rather than hurt their owner.
Here we have listed the main reasons why Ragamuffin cats get aggressive:
Aggressiveness in cats is sometimes caused by a cat’s pheromones reacting to another cat and producing a reaction of anger or aggression.
When this problem happens in a multi-cat household, it is usually the result of the presence of too many cats in too small an area.
The more cats there are, the more likely it is that one or more will become irritated and start to show signs of aggression.
In some cases, this behavior can also be caused by hormones. When female cats reach reproductive age, they may start spraying urine in order to mark their territory.
This can lead to increased aggression as other cats react to the scent.
It’s also common for male Ragamuffin cats to exhibit aggressive behavior before they have been neutered.
Poor Socialization
A poorly socialized Ragamuffin cat may become aggressive due to a lack of human interaction and exposure to other animals.
Without proper socialization, a cat may not learn how to act around people or other animals, which can lead to aggression.
A Change In Environment
A cat’s aggression can be traced to a change in their environment. When a cat is uncomfortable or feels threatened, they may become aggressive as a way to protect themselves.
This includes moving house or something as little as buying a new ornament or cupboard for the home.
I once put a flag up on my balcony and my cat went crazy meowing at it and jumping at the flag to tear it down.
He just didn’t like the fact that it was there now and wasn’t before. He got used to it after a few days.
It seems obvious but pain can make a cat aggressive in a number of ways. For example, pain can cause a cat to feel defensive and lash out in order to protect itself.
Additionally, pain can make a cat irritable and more likely to attack if it feels threatened.
Underlying Health Issues
One possible reason why underlying health issues make a Ragamuffin cat aggressive is that the cat is in pain and is trying to defend itself.
Another possibility is that the cat’s immune system is compromised and it is fighting off an infection, which can make it feel unwell and irritable.
Finally, some underlying health conditions can cause seizures or neurological problems that lead to aggressive behavior.
Make sure to reach out to your vet if you think your cat may be having health issues.
Maternal Protection
This one is obviously dependent on whether your Ragamuffin is a male or female but it’s worth mentioning.
After giving birth, a female cat’s hormones will be all out of whack.
She’ll be very protective of her kittens and may become aggressive towards anyone who she feels is a threat.
Additionally, she may mark her territory more aggressively in order to protect her new family. (read more)
Redirected Agitation
This is when your cat gets annoyed and frustrated at something outside of its reach.
Perhaps something high up or an animal outside that they can see through the window.
It may redirect the aggression and frustration about not being able to get to it onto its owner.
Many people report this kind of aggressive behavior as being completely unprovoked.
Redirected aggression may be the reason.
Too Much Petting
Some cats may get aggressive when you pet them because they may not like to be touched or you may be doing it too much.
Ragamuffins are generally a friendly breed of cat, but some may still be hesitant to be petted or handled.
As mentioned previously, you can try to socialize your cat when it is young by handling it and playing with it often.
This will help them get comfortable with being touched and petted.
Territorial Animals
Many cats become territorial when they reach an age of maturity(between ages 1 and 2).
This is because they are starting to mark their territory as their own and want to protect it from other animals, including humans.
Water Exposure
Some cats when being bathed or splashed with water can become very aggressive.
I know my cat Lai hates water and gets extremely aggressive when exposed to it. My wife has the scars to prove it.
If youre interested, you should check out our article where we explore do ragamuffins like water or not.

Ways to Spot Ragamuffin Aggression
There are a few key signs that can indicate that a cat is aggressive. One sign is if the cat is hissing or growling.
Another sign is if the cat is backing away from you or seems scared. If a cat is standing very still and staring at you, this can also be a sign of aggression.
Besides this, feline posture is categorized into offensive and defensive:
Offensive Posture
The signs of an offensive posture in a cat are if the cat is standing up straight and stiff, its fur standing on end, and it’s tail straight and down to the ground.
This posture is usually adopted when a cat is ready to attack.
Defensive Posture
The signs of a defensive posture in a cat are if the cat is hunching its back, flattening its ears against its head, and tucking its head down.
This posture is usually adopted when a cat is feeling scared or threatened.
Why Does My Ragamuffin Attack Me?
Cats are usually not the ones that initiate an attack so a person’s best bet is to remain calm around a cat and let the cat initiate any touching or petting first.
A cat may choose to scratch or bite as a means of defense if it feels threatened by a stranger.
However, if it’s your own cat attacking you, it’s most likely caused by playing or invading its space too much.
Its recommended to only cuddle or pet a Ragamuffin cat when it initiates it first. Instead of forcing the cat to cuddle with you.
How To Discipline A Ragamuffin Cat
There are a few things you can try if you want to discipline an aggressive or bold cat. Try these methods:
Ignore Undesirable Behaviour
If your Ragamuffin becomes aggressive and you scold or try to discipline her you may be reinforcing the behavior.
Next time, try to completely disengage from the behavior and ignore your cat.
Reinforce Positive Behavior
Whenever your cat is playing nice and not showing signs of aggression make sure to pet them and give them a treat.
They will learn to associate good behavior with getting treats.
This will help them learn to become less aggressive.
Buy Them A Stress Toy
Keeping toys and scratching posts around the house is a great way for your cat to redirect aggression.
This way the cat won’t let its aggression out on you or other family members.
Are Neutered Cats Less Aggressive?
Neutered cats tend to be less aggressive but it may not always be the case.
There are a few reasons why neutered cats may be less aggressive.
One reason is that unneutered males tend to be more aggressive than neutered males, as they compete for dominance and mates.
Additionally, unspayed females tend to be more aggressive when they go into heat. By neutering or spaying cats, you can help to reduce their aggression levels.
Why Does My Ragamuffin Growl?
There are a few reasons why your Ragamuffin cat might growl. One reason is if they feel like they’re being threatened.
If they feel like they’re in danger, they might growl as a warning to the other animal to back off. Another reason is if they’re feeling aggressive or territorial.
They might growl when someone or something comes too close to their space.
Why Does My Ragamuffin Bite Me?
A cat will bite their owner to express how angry or scared they are. It would be a sign that the animal is not happy with something.
This could be physical contact (e.g., you hugging it too hard, trying to put on its collar) or emotional (e.g., if it feels abandoned).
However, it’s not always a bad thing. Cats also give love bites or little nips when they want your attention.
My cat Lai often nips my chin in the morning while I’m in bed. Followed up by some friendly headbutts.
Do Ragamufins Get Jealous?
Do cats get jealous when their owners lavish attention on other animals? While there is no definitive answer, some experts believe that cats may feel threatened or become jealous when their owners pay too much attention to other animals.
One study conducted with cats and plushy toy cats found that cats didn’t seem to experience any sort of jealousy when their owners spent time petting the toys.
However, the study didn’t use real cats so this is a huge limitation to the study. It would be very interesting to see what would happen if they used real stranger cats.
Cat Breeds That Are Known To Be Aggressive
Although, all cats are different and how they are treated and brought up plays a huge role in how they behave. There are cats that are more commonly associated with being aggressive.
Here is a list of cats that are known to be aggressive:
- Bombay
- Sphynx
- Siamese
- Scottish Fold
- Bengal
- Egyptian Mau
- Korat
Are Ragamuffins Aggressive – Other Related Questions
Do Ragamuffins Get Along With Other Cats?
There is no definitive answer to this as each cat is different. Some cats may get along great with other cats, while others may not.
It all depends on the individual cats’ personalities and how they interact with one another.
Are Ragamuffin Cats Moody?
Ragamuffin Cats are not normally moody.
However, some cats may have a more aggressive personality than others.
Why Does My Ragamuffin Hiss At Me?
There could be a variety of reasons why your Ragamuffin cat hisses at you.
It may be because they’re afraid, they’re angry, or they’re trying to scare you off.
If your cat is hissing at you for no apparent reason, it’s best to take them to the vet to rule out any medical issues.
So, while it’s impossible to say for sure with any given cat, most ragamuffins are not aggressive by nature.
However, there are always a few that do have aggression issues and it’s important to be able to recognize the signs so you can address them head-on.
If your cat starts exhibiting any of the following behaviors, it might be time to talk to your veterinarian or animal behaviorist about what might be causing the aggression:
- Attacking people or animals for seemingly no reason
- Becoming overly defensive or territorial
- Having trouble adjusting to changes in their environment or routine
- Jumping on people aggressively as part of play behavior
If you’re seeing more than one of these behaviors in your Ragamuffin, it’s likely that there is an underlying aggressive cause and you should take steps to address it.
Elliot is the owner and lead writer at Lais Lairs. He is the proud owner of a Maine Coon/Siberian Mix cat named Lai. His oldest cat lived to be 18 years old so he’s learned a thing or two about keeping pets. When he’s not writing you can find him playing video games or playing fetch with Lai.